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Feb. 15 2025, 2:15 PM ET
created by sysop (to members only)
Poll Type: Share Your Trades
What did you buy or sell today?
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Feb. 9 2015, 11:25 AM ET
created by sysop (to members only)
Poll Type: Check All That Apply
Which of the following VF features have you used?
(check all that apply)
   Entered a ticker symbol into the "Quote & Msgs" box
   Used the CAGR calculator to compare a $10K investment in two different stocks
   At the top of a post, clicked the printer icon to the right of the post ID for a printer-friendly version
   At the bottom of a post on a subject that didn't interest me, used the link to ignore the entire thread
   At the bottom right corner of a post, temporarily flagged a post to read later
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Nov. 12 2011, 3:15 PM ET
created by Boharm (to members only)
Poll Type: Multiple Choice
Should sysop discontinue the censor-bot that automatically changes our chosen topic headings to his programmed choice of “government policy”?
(choose one best answer)
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Apr. 6 2011, 11:26 AM ET
created by sysop (to members only)
Poll Type: Multiple Choice
Are warrants, and leveraged ETFs, appropriate for the stock picking contests?
(choose one best answer)
   Yes, these types of picks should continue to be allowed
   No, these types of picks should be disallowed going forward
   Not sure or no opinion
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