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Aug. 12 2019, 09:46 AM ET
created by captainlate (to members only)
Poll Type: Multiple Choice
OK, no $18 on NRZ, but how about $16 by year end
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Jul. 30 2019, 5:06 PM ET
created by captainlate (to members only)
Poll Type: Multiple Choice
Will NRZ get to the common analyst target of $18 this year?
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Jul. 24 2005, 02:31 AM ET
created by captainlate (to members only)
Poll Type: Multiple Choice
You are fortunate enough to have owned a business sold to Chinese investors for buckets of yuan. You have to make a choice of what to do with the proceeds now and are locked in for the next five years
(choose one best answer)
   Hold in yuan since it is at least 15% undervalued
   Buy a basket of currencies including yen and euros
   Quickly convert to dollars and buy US assets(stocks, bonds and property).
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