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Dec. 10 2024, 3:56 PM ET
created by sysop (to members only)
Poll Type: Share Your Trades
What did you buy or sell today?
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May. 2 2024, 08:57 AM ET
created by donnichols (to members only)
Poll Type: Enter Any Text
I'm beginning to consider municipal bond funds or (preferably) CEFs. Looking for investment-grade only but will consider all maturities, even muni MMFs. What symbols should I investigate?
(type an answer between 2 and 250 characters long)
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Oct. 22 2023, 1:50 PM ET
created by donnichols (to members only)
Poll Type: Multiple Choice
Do you normally hold your short-term Treasury ETFs (SHV, BIL, SGOV, etc.) through xD, or do you sell prior? That is, do you take your gains as interest or capaital gains?
(choose one best answer)
   Combination of the two
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Feb. 18 2022, 03:05 AM ET
created by donnichols (to members only)
Poll Type: Multiple Choice
What will be your strategy as GOGL, ZIM, SBLK, et al. near their ex-dates?
(choose one best answer)
   Hold for continuing divvies
   Sell some or all shares (maybe buy back later)
   Hold some or all shares and sell calls
   Sell some or all shares and sell puts
   Any combination of all above
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Jun. 2 2021, 12:57 PM ET
created by donnichols (to members only)
Poll Type: Enter Any Text
Which of the stocks you follow likely will issue a secondary this year?
(type an answer between 1 and 250 characters long)
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