Last Trade 4:00 p.m. - 15 |
Change UNCH ( 0.0%) |
Shares Traded 242 |
Day's Volume 45,993 |
Book Value NA |
Price/Book NA |
Beta 0.2613 |
Day's Range 14.95 - 15 |
Prev Close 15 |
Open 15 |
52 Wk Range 13.7907 - 15.25 |
EPS 0.66 |
PE 9.55 |
Monthly Div/Shr 0.052 |
Ex-Div 02/14/25 |
Yield 4.16% |
Shares Out. 46.82M |
Market Cap. 702.23M |
1 Year Stock Performance: | ||||||
CAGR - Chart the growth of a $10K investment in NXP |
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