I have modified my hands-off real-time real-money investment strategy, results of which I have been posting monthly on VF.

I have renamed it the Paleo Investment Strategy as even an Unfrozen Caveman Investor could execute it.

Paleo is a zipperless, no research approach that only needs a responsible individual to plug in certain values once a month, and then do the simple trades as indicated.

As there is a monthly re-balancing, short-term capital gains or losses will be generated so this approach is best used in an IRA.

I will reveal the details of the "black box" system sometime in the future to selected members of VF.

Any sort of automated system has to take advantage of trends  in order to be profitable- maximizing the positive trends and minimizing the down-cycles. In a trending market, all systems will do well. It is the choppy periods where money can be whipsawed away.

I do not anticipate any more re-adjustments. The Paleo Investment Strategy is managed in a real account which I initially funded with $25,000.

As you see, as of Wednesday, over eight months the Paleo Fund is up 2.5% while the index S&P IVV is down 8.24%.

TradeDate Mth Beg $ %Mdelta % delta M % SP500 % SP500 SP500 IVV

2014Nov26 25000.00

2014Dec24 25276.82 1.11% 1.11% 0.40% 0.40% 209.51
2015Jan21 26082.01 3.19% 4.33% -3.15% -2.76% 202.92
2015Feb25 25085.83 -3.82% 0.34% 5.05% 2.15% 213.16
2015Mar25 24634.29 -1.80% -1.46% -2.13% -0.02% 208.62
2015Apri22 24794.62 0.65% -0.82% 1.39% 1.36% 211.51
2015May20 24122.24 -2.71% -3.51% 1.41% 2.79% 214.49
2015June24 23311.69 -3.36% -6.75% -0.73% 2.04% 212.93
2015July22 24251.24 4.03% -3.00% -0.15% 1.89% 212.62
2015Aug26 25603.59 5.58% 2.41% -9.95% -8.24% 191.47